4 May 2014


I`ve been tagged! Andrea of Collars and Bones tagged me this "Tumblr Challenge". This might not be Tumblr but it`s still my blog and rules are rules.

Here are the rules:
1. Post the rules
2. Answer the questions the tagger has set you in their posts, then make 11 new ones.
3. Tag 11 people then link them to your post.
4. Let them know that you've tagged them.

Her questions and my answers (duh):
What`s your favorite song at the moment?
            This is a hard one but I have to say Fancy by Iggy Azalea. I listen to different genres but out of all my current favorites, Fancy really is the one. I even named a blog post after it! Iggy`s bringing it with that track. It`s catchy and perfect for when you`re prepping up with your girls before going out or when you`re actually dancing! *twerks HEY HEY HEY HEY

What’s the song that you’re so annoyed of hearing? (I’m already out of questions)
            Best Day of My Life by American Authors. I`m sorry but if the radio station I`m tuned into starts to play that, my fingers automatically hit another station`s speed button.

What inspired your blog name?
            My blog name used to be “A Sudden Rush of Genius.” But changed it because upon Googling, someone has already taken it. One of my anthems is Settle Down by No Doubt and my favorite line from that song is “I`m a rough and tough; nothing`s gonna knock this girl down.” It just speaks a lot to me. Hence the name, “ROUGH & TOUGH.” I`m rough and tough, aren`t I?

Have you ever faked your name in Starbucks? What did you change it to?
            At least once in every person`s lifetime have they changed their Starbucks name into something else. I have and it was “Carlee”. I was in high school and my friends and I had alter egos. No, you don`t want the whole story.

            YES. I watched this with the boyfriend and it`s funny and cute that we both cried to almost every “big moment.” The one that really got to us was when Barney held his daughter in his arms and promised to give her everything. Oh my god, I`m about to cry now. Also, it was such a moment-breaker when in the middle of all the sweet sentiments, Marshall said the gang could call him Fudge Supreme. Sigh.

Do you think someone’s taste in music influences the way they dress?
            I do. Music sets the mood and affects your emotions but I guess it`s more of the attitude we`re talking about here. I sometimes dress so girly even though I`ve been listening to some post-hardcore music yet I still have that angst within me. We all have different interpretations with music and fashion but I can say that the two go hand in hand, one way or another.

What’s the first law you would pass if you become president?
            A law that would make the homeless sheltered.

Do you have a favorite word? If so, what is it? 
Sorry for the profanity but it`s probably “fuck”.

What course are you taking on college?
            Will be taking up Multimedia Arts/Advertising then Fashion Design. Gotta have some background first cause we all know the fashion industry ain`t an easy one to move around in.

 What trend do you think is probably the most ridiculous?
            The fake Bebe shirt, denim pants and thong heels trend. Based bitch.

What’s your favorite line from a movie?
            “I`d rather see you up there shakin` that thang.” I`m sorry, I just can`t think of a sensible one right now. How I wish the question would be about song lyrics.

My questions for you:
What is your favorite conspiracy theory?
Worst first impression someone thought of you?
Best “kill me now” moment?
What`s the most vulgar pickup line you can think of? Yo mama jokes also accepted.
What do you regret searching on Google?
Godzilla vs. Smaug, who would win?
I need you to recommend me a great restaurant. Go!
What is one song you love listening to secretly?
Happiest day of your life, so far?
Name one band and a song of theirs that you think you`re the only one who knows they exist.
Who or what would you like to go as for Halloween?

The chosen ones!:
Lea of http://leabolante.tumblr.com
Ate Camie Juan of http://wild-spirit.net
Abby of http://abbyramirez.blogspot.com


  1. I love these tags! They're seriously so much fun to read :) Great post Jia!
    I didn't want to watch the last episode of How I met your Mother because i didn't want to cry haha
    Love the new blog name switch by the way, I think its a lot more creative ;)
    Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog! It really made me smile xx

    Hope you're having a lovely Sunday! xx
    ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ Creme de la Chic ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡

    1. Aw, thank you for taking the time to read my post! It means a lot :)

  2. Wow never realised How I Met Your Mother has finished! Good job I skipped that question! I liked the question about Starbucks I think we've all faked a name.

    1. Thanks so much for reading, Arash!! Yeah, you better skip my answer about HIMYM if you haven`t seen the finale episode yet

  3. I like your answer to the question about the law that you'd proclaim. Good heart ♥

    Please visit my blog? I'd love to hear something from you! Hope to see you there. Let's keep in touch :)

  4. loved reading through this blog post! Just showed what a genuine and funny personality you have! Will definitely be following your blog on gfc and bloglovin, hope you will too! xx


    1. Aw, thank you so much!! Will follow you too <3

  5. Always love reading these kinds of posts =) Your course in uni? - Fantastic, needless to say I'm jealous!

    - Che


    1. It was hard convincing my mum! HAHA thank you :)

  6. You have a wonderful blog!! <3

    Well I was wondering if we could follow each other via bloglovin, gfc, instagram, twitter, facebook and g+? Do visit my blog and let me know where you follow and I will follow back right away!! :)

    Have a happy week ahead!

    1. Sure thing, dear! Will follow you on Bloglovin :)

  7. Funny post. I've never been tagged in something like that. Your header is super cute btw!


    1. I shall tag you next time someone tags me again! Haha, this is my first too. Thank you <3

  8. Omg the fake bebe shirt haha I can't stand it as well.


    1. Seriously cringing whenever I see those lol

  9. Hi can tag you as well to the Liebster Award?? :)

    1. Sure! That would be great!!!! Thank you so much <3

  10. Amazing TAG Jia.
    Your blog is amazing
    Would you like to follow each other on BLOGLOVIN ?
    The Indian Savage Diary

  11. i've never heard of that Iggy Azalea song, downloading right now. and fuck is your favourite word! hahaha i love you already


Thank you for commenting! Make sure to leave a url for me to check out your blog, as well xo

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